Sunday, March 15, 2009

Carrot Scavenger Hunt

Your kids will not only love their vegetables, they'll seek them out.

-Orange construction paper
-Green construction paper

1. Cut out 20 carrots from orange construction paper and glue on the green construction paper tops.
2. "Plant" them all around the house--under sofa cushions, in the silverware drawer, or taped to the refrigerator door, for example.
3. Then send your kids around the house to gather all the carrots. Let them redeem their carrots for snacks, such as a small box of raisins, a pack of gum, a bag of pretzels, or a piece of carrot cake.

Another great twist is to let each child cut out their own carrot and green top, decorate it, write their name on it and then "plant" them. After all carrots are found, make sure each carrot gets back to its owner. This way, the party guests gets to make a craft and they have a great reminder of the fun they had to take home with them!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monkey Pops

- Bananas
- Popsicle Sticks
- Plastic Freezer Bags
- Yogurt or Warm Chocolate Sauce

Peel the bananas and cut in half (across the middle). Push a Popsicle stick into the flat end of the banana, until it's at least halfway through. Place in freezer bags until party time. Dip frozen banana pops into yogurt or chocolate sauce and serve to your eagerly awaiting party guests.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Best Monkey Contest

-Prizes (like Monkey pops; recipe in the next few days)
Enlist other parents, older siblings, or neighbors to be judges of the competition. Give each "monkey" (a.k.a. party guest) a chance to demonstrate his or her best monkey call. When every child has had a turn, award prizes for the loudest, squeakiest, mot real, funniest, etc. so everyone wins.

Always Make It Fun!
Rebecca Hurt
Sr. Party Leader
Noah's Ark Animal Workshop